
IV Therapy (Mobile)

Iv-Nutrient Therapy in Webster, Tx | Royal Wellness Clinic

Royal Wellness Clinic has compiled well-researched intravenous ingredients to help enhance your performance, recovery, and enrich your everyday life. Our providers customize your drips to your needs. Whether your needs are reparative or preventive in nature, IV vitamin therapy is the only procedure that ensures up to 100% of its nutrients are absorbed. IV nutrition therapy is a faster and more effective way to give your body the nutrients it needs.

Some of the benefits of IV Nutrient therapy include:

  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Dehydration
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Detoxifying your body, including your liver
  • Tiredness/low energy
  • Joint or muscle discomfort
  • Alleviates migraines
  • Nausea relief from chemotherapy or other treatments
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Vitamin deficiencies

Our Most Popular IV Infusions include

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Royal Fountain of Youths

Formulated to help generate a healthy glow by tightening and brightening your skin, hair, and nails giving you a more youthful appearance.

hydrate drip

The Royal Bag

This drip has been the go-to treatment for dehydration in the medical industry for years. The royal hydrate provides the body with instant hydration which balances it with fluids and electrolytes.


Royal Myer’s Cocktail

This is one of the most well-known nutritional IV infusion invented by Dr. John Myers, a Baltimore physician. This is known to improve fatigue, seasonal allergies, migraines, depression, immunity, muscle pain and menstrual cramps.

party drip

Royal Hangover Drip

This is great for hangovers to get you back on track by rehydrating and detoxifying your cells. This drip contains anti-nausea, acid reflux and anti-inflammatory to alleviate discomfort and distress. You will benefit from this drip before or after a night of alcohol consumption. Will alleviate headache, nausea and retain focus.

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Royal Detox Drip

This drip focuses on the powerhouse of your detoxification system – the liver. Your body could be overwhelmed with toxins, making you fatigued. This drip assists in removing toxins, relieving stress, improving brain fog and improving well-being.

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Royal Immune Boost

 This drip assists in fighting off disease, reducing inflammation and preventing the development of long term health conditions. Our Royal immunity drip is good for those who are experiencing fatigue, inflammation, stress, weakened immune system, frequent sickness.

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Royal Joint Juice (for Athletes)

Decrease soreness, enhance your performance, and build strength faster with this specially formulated IV drip. This drip can help you train better, achieve maximum output, improve metabolism, replenish essential nutrients, and burn fat.

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Royal Pick-Me-Up

This drip is formulated to help you feel energized, burn fat, improves your performance, and boost metabolism. This drip also provides the nutrients needed for optimal wellness.



NAD stands for Nicotinamide, Adenine and Dinucleotide. NAD+ levels decrease with age as evidenced in scientific studies. By improving and sustaining NAD+ levels, you can deaccelerate the aging process. NAD+ has been shown to improve energy levels, mental clarity and mood. NAD+ is effective in improving post workout recovery, reducing cravings and fatigue.


Some reasons to receive iv nutrition infusions as opposed to oral vitamins include but are not limited to:

  • Dehydration
  • Detoxifying your body
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Skin and hair rejuvenation
  • Help your body recover on very tough days

The IV therapy results vary for each patient and each treatment. Some people notice improvement starting the first day.

The duration of results depends on nutrient imbalances and your overall health. The duration of results depends on nutrient imbalances and your overall health.

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